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Useful Information

The group meets every second Wednesday of the month at East Court in the Cranston Suite/ Main Hall 
East Grinstead
RH19 3LT


The meetings start at 7pm for a 7.30pm start and end at approximately 9.30pm.


Payment of £5 per meeting for visitors or an annual membership fee of £45 which is pro -rated when you join.


Any questions please email:

EGHS Year book

EGHS elected committee:


President: Patricia Vickers

Chair: Helen Gabrielides

Treasurer: Helen Gray

Speaker secretary: Helen Gray

Publicity Officer: Sheila Moore

Committee Secretary: Philippa Hewett

Membership: Sue Robinson

Raffle and Fundraising: Marjorie Paterson 



Chair’s annual report for 2024

2024 has proved to be another successful and enjoyable year for EGHS. Many new things have happened whilst retaining the essence of the society.

This year we moved into new premises - East Court’s Cranston Suite.

We introduced two garden visits - one to Falconhurst in May and the other to Wych Warren in July. Both visits were well attended and we were pleased to have lovely sunny and dry weather on both occasions. The gardens visited were amazing,  the owners were generous with their time and the information that they shared with our members.

The free seeds initiative has proved to be popular and members have shared their pictures, stories of successes and of course any failures too. 

The 2024 schedule was developed and managed expertly by Helen Gray, thank you. All the speakers turned up! The range of speakers was diverse, topical and thought provoking.

Our new website has been a positive development and also supports our move to reducing paper use. 

On moving to East Court we found improved refreshment facilities. Penny and Barry have for many, many years served refreshments and supported the society. This year they rightly decided that it was time for others to be in charge of refreshments. Thank you Penny and Barry, your help and support has been magnificent and much appreciated.

We have reintroduced a plant sale at our meetings where members can donate their own spare plants and these can be purchased for a small amount. Thank you to Sheila for organising this.

The raffle continues to be a regular event at our meetings, ably led by Marjorie. This is a great fund raiser and you will hear from Helen Gray the great difference that it makes to our society funds.

Philippa has kindly stepped in to ensure that refreshments are available at the start of our meetings. She also continues to do an excellent job writing the committee notes, and updates for the website’s new members area, thank you.

We miss Chris Ball and are greatly saddened by her recent passing. Chris was a great committee member and an enthusiastic gardner and allotment holder. 

We are excited about our plans for next year which includes a new programme, a members section on the website, a potential change of name, links with other gardening groups and we have also been approached by Worth Horticultural Society to explore whether we can join forces in some way. 

We look forward to 2025 when we hope to continue to grow from strength to strength.
Thank you to you all, our loyal, supportive and friendly members. It is always a pleasure to spend time with you and hear about your gardening updates.

Thank you
Helen Gabrielides
Chair EGHS



Alison Marsden

Drought tolerant planting and how to deal with extremes of weather

Barry Newman

Growing vegetables in containers

Peter Chan
Herons Bonsai

All things bonsai related

Paul Grimmer
Plants n Gardens


Graham Blunt


Hardy exotics

Plant Shed

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

East Grinstead Horticultural Society

Data Protection Policy 
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The UK Data Protection Act 2018 gives you the right to know what personal data an organisation holds about you, how your data is processed, stored and how data is kept confidential. It also gives you the right to have a copy of the data held, have incorrect data corrected and to have data deleted (‘the right to be forgotten’).
Who are we? East Grinstead Horticultural Society (EGHS) is a not-for-profit social group for people with a shared interest in gardens and gardening. The Committee of East Grinstead Horticultural Society acts as the organisation’s data controller for the purposes of the GDPR. Individual officers of the Committee may act as data processors, in particular the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
Why we keep personal data and our legal basis for doing so: EGHS keeps and uses personal data to run the society efficiently and to provide our members with the services they have paid for. To do this the Officers and others involved in the organisation of the society need to know who our members are and to be able to communicate with them. EGHS is therefore adopting the legal basis of ‘Legitimate Interest’ to justify holding and using your personal data. The Committee is satisfied that it is in the legitimate interests of EGHS to maintain this data, that it is necessary and proportionate to do so and that the purposes for which the data is used cannot be achieved in any other, less intrusive, way.
What we keep and what we do with it: EGHS stores and uses contact details as provided by you. Those details are your name, address, telephone number/s and email address. We also have a record of your method of payment. We do not keep any bank details. We do keep a record of those attending meetings.
We use the information to keep you informed about EGHS’s activities and other things that may be of interest to you. The information is held electronically on personal computers and in paper form as required. Every effort is made to ensure that your data is secure. The data of all members of the Group is held by the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. Individual members’ details are made available to and held by other Committee members and other members involved in organising activities as and when required.
Who we share it with: We do not, and will not, share your information with anyone outside of EGHS.
How long we keep it for: We keep your information for the duration of your membership with EGHS and for 16 weeks after your last payment becomes due, unless you tell us that you do not wish to rejoin. If you inform us that you are cancelling your membership all your data will be deleted from the electronic record as soon as possible.
Your rights under the GDPR: You have the right to:
Be informed about the collection and use of your personal data
Access the data held (a copy of your data will be provided on request)
Have any inaccuracies in your data corrected
Request your details be deleted from our records
Request that the use of your personal data is restricted
You have the right to object to the use of your personal data at any time.
If you wish to exercise any of the rights outlined above please contact the EGHS Chairperson.
December 2024

Please sign and return this page to the chair of East Grinstead Horticultural Society.

Explicit permission to Hold and Process Personal Data

I give my explicit permission to the East Grinstead Horticultural Society to hold and process my personal data as described in the East Grinstead Horticultural Society, Data Protection Policy.


Name (please print)                            Date



Can anyone attend EGHS meetings? Yes, just turn up for the start of the meeting at 7.15ish.

Do you have to be an expert gardener? No, not at all. You just need to be curious about gardening.

Come to a meeting

Cranston Suite/Main Hall
East Court
East Grinstead
RH19 3LT

Join us!

Thanks for joining!

© 2035 by East Grinstead Horticultural Society Powered and secured by Wix

Joining EGHS couldn’t be easier.  All that you need to do is email with your name, email address and phone number.  Subscription fees are £45 per year (Jan - Dec) or £5 per visit. New members joining throughout the year will pay pro rata rate.

EGHS is a great place to meet, learn about gardening and have a bit of fun.  Joining the club gives you access to experienced gardeners in some of our members who would be delighted to share their knowledge with you.  

Why not come along to a meeting and try us out – if you like what you see and hear, you can join the club!

Any questions, please fill out the form below

Thanks you!

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